Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures in the world used to permanently reduce hair growth, most effectively in darker, coarser hair.

This technology is safe, and delivers fast, effective and virtually painless results. Dark, coarse hair responds best, as the energy travels through the epidermis and dermis until it strikes a hair follicle which contains a dense, melanin-rich hair shaft and bulb. The dark-colored melanin absorbs the light and rises quickly in temperature, destroying the hair-producing cells surrounding the follicle. The treated hairs typically fall out in 1-2+ weeks following treatment.

Several treatments are required (on average 6-10), and although the total number of hairs will be permanently and significantly reduced, treatment will not result in permanent removal of all hair. Treatment sessions are usually scheduled 4-6 weeks apart for the face, and 6-10+ weeks apart for the body.

At any time, hairs are in various stages of growth. The hair growth cycle can be divided into 3 phases:

Catagen: Hair stops growing, follicles shrink and “club hair” begins to form.
Telogen: Hair follicle is at rest, and club hair formed. 25-100 club hairs will
fall out each day.
Anagen: Active growth phase

Only “active” hairs in the Anagen phase can be affected by treatment. “Inactive” hair follicles can be treated as they become “active” over time.

Prior to treatment the area needs to be clean, shaved and free of sunburn and self tanners; following treatment, the area needs to be protected from prolonged sun exposure by wearing a broad spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30+ daily. Excessive heat (hot tubs, saunas, etc.) must be avoided for 1-2 days following treatment. We also recommend applying ice packs to the treated area off and on as directed to decrease inflammation and risk for developing blisters. Common and temporary side effects following treatment include mild erythema (redness) and folliculitis (inflammation of hair follicles).