Chemical Peels

A chemical peel involves the application of a chemical solution or natural acids to the skin, making it eventually peel off revealing a fresh, new layer of skin. The amount of skin it removes and how deep it penetrates depends on the type of peel used, its strength and how long it’s left on. Individual results will vary based on your age, skin condition and skin type.

There are several benefits to having a series of chemical peels. In addition to improving the skin’s texture, they also help reduce fine lines, acne and mild scars as well as age spots, freckles and dark Melasma patches. 

Precision Vi Peel: This unique medical grade peel reduces age spots and freckles caused by sun damage, as well as hyperpigmentation and Melasma. It also helps improve fine lines, clear acne breakouts, soften acne scars and stimulate the production of collagen, for firmer, younger looking skin in as little as 2 weeks.

It contains a powerful blend of ingredients including TCA, Tretinoic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phenol and Vitamin C to help improve overall skin clarity and quality, Retinoic Acid to help exfoliate while boosting collagen and elastin, and Hydroquinone to lighten and inhibit pigmentation and Melasma. It also contains Kojic Acid to further combat discoloration and brighten the skin, as well as Hydrocortisone to soothe and reduce redness.

As with any chemical peel, it’s important to protect your new, delicate skin by wearing a broad spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen daily. Avoid prolonged sun exposure, shaving, waxing and exfoliants for at least one week following treatment. Use mild cleansers and skincare products until skin is healed and no longer sensitive to touch. For optimal results we recommend a series of treatments scheduled at 3-4 week intervals. During a consultation your cosmetic provider will help customize a treatment plan just for you.